Peg’s Posts: wishing I were there


First step was helping her select an Edge bike computer. She went with the Edge 500 and added a soft strap heart rate monitor and speed/cadence sensor. Here’s an excerpt from her first Ride the Rockies blog: The UPS man shows up with a package for me. It is my new Garmin Edge 500. I open it up and look at all the parts. I call the bike shop and make an appointment to have them install it. I don’t trust myself to figure it out [the cadence sensor installation]. They tell me it will be 3-4 days, there are 30 bikes ahead of me. I tell them I am training for Ride the Rockies and need to spin; they cut me a break and will turn it around in two. One of the things I love about Cheryl — she knows what she wants and she finds a direct path to getting it done.

CIMG0017-sm In a recent post titled “sanity and the trainer”, she shared some insight on the “ride to nowhere” mentality of an indoor trainer. Then she was saved by a break in temps that got her outdoors for a 40-miler last week. Her Edge 500 records outside temp, so you can even check out the temperature graph in Garmin Connect. Cheryl’s latest email had photos and Connect data for her ride through Colorado National Monument Park. Absolutely stunning. At least I can now control my “wish I were there” pangs with the reality that the mountains would eat me alive. Not Cheryl — she has her eye on the goal and she’s getting it done. We’ll keep you updated on Cheryl’s Ride the Rockies training.

The post Peg’s Posts: wishing I were there appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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