Peg’s Posts: welcoming runners to Oz for the Garmin Marathon


Rick-crop1 Bart_01 Screen Shot 2012-03-08 at 1.42.37 PMThe City of Olathe and Garmin are quite literally rolling out the yellow brick road for Saturday’s Garmin Marathon In the Land of Oz. We’ll be welcoming running “celebs” from near and far: local runner and longtime Forerunner owner Barefoot Rick will be running his 20,000th barefoot mile when he crosses the finish line. Love this guy. He’s not only saving up his monumental mile for this race…he’s fundraising for an incredible cause, Samaritan's Feet, which provides new shoes globally to children who cannot afford them. If you can’t join Rick crossing the yellow brick road barefoot, donate to give a child a safe way to run! Another running legend and friend of Garmin, Bart Yasso, will be running the marathon as well as making appearances at Garmin headquarters Friday, 3-4 CST and at the race expo, 5-7.

No place like the finish line 005HH aid station 2009 002 Runners in all race distances will be greeted by some of the most enthusiastic aid station volunteers on the planet. Garmin staff will be heading up many of the aid stations and let me tell you, they are pumped and ready to pump up even the weariest of runners. No promises, but I wouldn't doubt you'll see some Oz characters. We also have some special perks in store for our Forerunner customers. Before the half and full marathon start, Jake, the voice of Garmin fitness and morning emcee, will invite all runners with a Garmin watch to gather for a quick Forerunner Family Reunion pic. Post-race, we’ll be tossing tshirts to anyone wearing a Forerunner. There’s still time to join the fun! You can register in person at the race expo, Friday, noon-7 at the Olathe Holiday Inn.

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