At The Sioux Falls Supercacher and a unique job listing


BakerGeckosWe're still swapping KC Cache Dash stories, and one of our favorites involved a geocacher who went the distance just to get here. At, we'd known him best by his caching name, BakerGeckos, but we enjoyed meeting the man behind hundreds of hides and thousands of finds. Mike Baker traveled down from Sioux Falls, SD, for the Cache Dash and we had some great chats along the special caching course around Garmin's campus. And since Jake from our blog team had just done the KC-to-SFSD-and-back road trip the previous weekend (in which you hit four states in six or seven hours), we truly appreciated Mike making the journey. Here's what he had to say:

"I really enjoyed getting to meet with some of the people at Garmin, and really got the impression that Garmin cares about their customers. I walked around with the temporary caches and spoke with another Garmin employee who was willing to share how much he enjoys his employment and how much Garmin does for the community – it was great. I even ran into a few people that cache around the area and listened to their stories of how Garmin supports the local communities and how supportive they are regardless if it's Opencaching or geocaching. So over all I had a great time. Didn't do a lot of caches in the area but we shot for the stars and got a few nice ones. Thanks again for the great event."

Again, thank you Mike for trekking down to see us! It was a great reminder that the best part of caching events is getting to meet everyone in the community. And that brings us to the second topic of today's post: An awesome opportunity for anyone who loves caching and loves sharing that enthusiasm with others. This week we posted a new job opening for a Geocaching Community Coordinator, and we're looking for someone who is eager to connect with cachers in the community and work with fellow Garmin employees to fuel the growth of geocaching everywhere. If you're interested, visit the forum to learn more. We're looking forward to meeting the new member of the team!

The post At The Sioux Falls Supercacher and a unique job listing appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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