Garmin accessories for your next summer road trip


Cadillac Ranch   









The Cadillac Ranch in Texas (Credit: Flickr user waxhawian)

Even though gas prices have gone up over the last couple of months, a road trip probably is still one of the most budget-friendly ways to spend your summer vacation, and hitting the road to explore Americas back roads is a ton of fun, too. With the summer road trip season approaching, here are some great Garmin tools that can be useful and fun on the road.

Check out the Cadillac Ranch and other cool attractions

Road trips are all about the journey, but it doesn’t hurt to know where you’re going or what kind of attractions are on your way. Garmin’s nüvi devices and StreetPilot mobile apps come preloaded with millions of points of interest and there are also full travel guides available that you can load onto your device. Spot it out offers many different guides with interesting destinations across the U.S. You can, for example, download a guide with the weirdest locations across the country, such as little museums, “world’s largest” sights, natural and unnatural mysteries, over-the-top tourist traps, oddball folk artists, monuments, and statues. The picture above shows the Cadillac Ranch in Texas as one example of the destinations included in the Attractions and Oddities guide. Also available are guides for historic or family destinations.

Let Darth Vader guide you

To add some fun to your trip, especially when travelling with kids, Garmin offers a wide variety of voices for nüvi device, ranging from Darth Vader to the SpongeBob. Or, even better, if you prefer to let your friends or loved ones guide you in your next adventure, then just download the Garmin Voice Studio and start recording.

Save at the pump

T.S. Eliot said that “the journey not the arrival matters,” so you don’t have to worry about the fastest route, but that doesn’t mean you’ll have to waste fuel on the way. A fuel-efficient vehicle still is the best way to save at the pump, but how you drive also matters. Garmin’s ecoRoute feature can help you analyze and improve your driving style so you’ll get the most out of every trip to the gas station. You can also save by using Garmin’s Smartphone Link app, which allows you to search in real-time for the best gas prices nearby .

The post Garmin accessories for your next summer road trip appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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