Jake’s Geocache: Get It Before Jake Does!


For those of you who follow Garmin on Twitter, you probably already know that Jake’s at Interbike where he’s wheeling and dealing all things bicycle and Edge-related. And even though Jake is many miles away from headquarters – he still checks in to basecamp every chance he gets. So it came as no surprise to one Garmin associate to find a voicemail from Jake awaiting him (or her) this morning.  The reason for the voicemail?  Jake wanted to check on a piece of Tupperware® that he had left in the fridge over the weekend. Well, we’ve found it. And after taking a good, long look at Jake’s leftover transporter, we realized that the container shouldn’t be enjoyed by Jake alone. We want to give it away! So, in the spirit of our occasional “Jake Pranks” – we decided to share his Tupperware® with you.  Minus the leftovers.
(of course, if Jake has some sentimental attachment to this, the winner may end up with a similar-looking piece of plastic . . . and they’ll still get coin!)

Just leave a comment below and let us know why you need Jake’s Tupperware®.
It’s the perfect container for starting a new geocache – and to sweeten the deal, we’ll throw in an unregistered Colorado geocoin to get you started! The most creative response will get the container, the coin, and the envy of every other commenter.  Sound like a good deal?  We’ll look back through all of the comments and decide by the end of the week – right before Jake gets back. So let us know! Jake’s loss could be your gain! And you could start a new cache that will leave a lasting legacy to Jake’s love of leftover asparagus!

The post Jake’s Geocache: Get It Before Jake Does! appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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