Tour of Missouri: St. Louis puts the Ike in Bike Race


Tour_of_missouri_st_charles_039Tomjake6_017  Before we head to the start of Stage 7, we wanted to give you a weather report. Heavy rain and wind, courtesy of Hurricane Ike, settled in to the St. Louis area early this morning. Looking outside, we expected to see famous news anchors and meteorologists in baseball caps and ponchos. The conditions were originally forecast to stick around until this evening, well after Team Garmin and the rest of these elite cyclists wrap up the Tour of Missouri. And even though these guys are machines and train to ride in any conditions, today won’t be much fun. In fact, they’ve already adjusted the route, shortening each of the five circuits from 14 miles to 10.5, because of flooding in Forest Park. So here’s hoping everyone stays upright and healthy – and as dry as humanly possible – as Team Garmin works to protect Christian Vande Velde’s lead. Check with Jake on Twitter and VeloNews’ real-time updates as we search for the silver linings to these clouds.

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