Team Garmin’s Christian Vande Velde wins Tour of Missouri


HollowayTour_of_missouri_st_charles_030It’s official! Team Garmin’s Christian Vande Velde has won the 2008 Tour of Missouri! Despite the weather throwing the cyclists for a loop – five of them, to be exact – Team Garmin’s gameplan was perfect, capping a week of hard work by every cyclist on the team. We’ll have much, much more on this stellar achievement in the days ahead, but our voices are shot, our laptop is on its last leg and we have to spend a few hours simply enjoying the success of Team Garmin and Christian Vande Velde.

Check out our Flickr page for shots from today and throughout the week, and come back to the Garmin blog all of next week as we share more behind-the-scenes moments from an amazing Tour of Missouri.

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