Recap: Week 4 on the #PathToFit



With January nearly behind us, now is the time to really buckle down and truly kick your #PathToFit routine into gear. Last week, we discussed the values of eating healthier, which can be a tough challenge in its own right, but finding the time and methods for a workout can be an even greater challenge. This week, our seven bloggers dive into some great fitness tips and talk different ways to earning your steps with Garmin vívofit. We understand the difficulties that come along with making big changes in your life and we would love to help impact your shift towards a better, healthier, you. Our ultimate objective is to help you achieve your goals, so with the knowledge from our bloggers posted weekly, we hope you can discover new ways to succeed on your #PathToFit.

Included below are highlights from each blog and a link so you can read each piece in its entirety.

He and She Eat Clean: Earn Your Steps – 5 Tips to Get More Steps Every Day

Scott and Whitney discussed their lives as avid hikers and how easily their goals can be reached at times, but they also shared 5 tips to get more steps every day. These range from parking at the end of a parking lot, to taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

No Meat Athlete: What Counting your Steps will Teach you about the Value of Running

Matt detailed how tracking steps with his vívofit changed his outlook on running. He also provided three ways to incorporate step awareness into running.

Just a Colorado Gal: Resolution #2: How to move more

Heather talked about her struggles with staying on track after overcoming an illness over the holidays. She even used her vívofit to analyze her sleep from a normal night, to a night with the flu, and you can really see a difference.

Cotter Crunch: 4 Compound Exercises Great for Tabatas

Lindsay wrote about compound exercises, which can involve more than one joint and muscle group at a time. She detailed her four favorite compound exercises and even throws in some bonus tips on how to gain more steps on your vívofit. 


Mile-Posts: 5 Tips for Increasing your Daily Steps

Dorothy shared five tips on how to increase your daily steps in the winter when motivation might not be the highest. Some of her tips include walking after a long run and focusing on getting steps in while doing daily chores around the house. 

Love Life Surf: 14 Ways to Get More Steps in a Day When you Work from Home

This week, Christine listed 14 unique and different ways to get more steps in you everyday life. These varied from pacing while on a phone call, walking on your lunch break, to taking extra laps while you shop at Whole Foods Market. Christine also talked about what motivates her and how the vivofit is perfect for her competitive spirit. 

The Weekend Warrior: Earning Steps in the Office

Justin provided some simple tips on how to score more steps while at work. He talked about changing the way he takes breaks to running flights of stairs. Justin is also giving away a vívofit this week! Make sure you read his entire blog to learn how you can win one.    

Don’t forget to check back in next week, when our bloggers will share some easy weekday meals that will compliment any workout. Their experiences have delivered some very reflective encouragement these past weeks and we are looking forward to hearing about your success! What motivates you on your #PathToFit? Share your steps and workout routines with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our Pinterest board and use #PathToFit.

Also, make sure you follow all of the bloggers on social media. They will each be giving away a Garmin vivofit and a $100 Whole Foods Market gift card.

The post Recap: Week 4 on the #PathToFit appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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