Peg’s Posts: Another Mother Runner authors share insight, inspiration and laughs in KC


My own children and husband are well beyond nagging when I run away from home most every Saturday morning. They do, however, have some complaints if I linger a little too long in their presence post-run, pre-shower. I recently discovered a new reason to keep my “long run or race goes here” habit. Couple of weeks ago, I happened to be home on a Saturday morning. It was a glorious slice of the day, with sunlight streaming in our east-facing home’s windows and front door. A time of day I’m never, ever home. It was in that dawning light I made a disgusting discovery: dust, cobwebs and other homely phantoms that normally escape my sight. My remedy was simple and involved no elbow grease: I won’t be skipping Saturday runs for a while. Just please don’t take a white glove to any surface in my home. 

IMGP0373 IMGP0355Garmin Blogger Justin, “Another Father Runner,” shared his thoughts from the evening: What a privilege it was to celebrate the KC Express club’s 30th birthday last night and to be amongst so many positive and lively Kansas City women. Listening to the entertaining tales from Sarah and Dimity, it proved even further that runners, though they might all have unique motivation to lace up their shoes each day, all have that one common bond — living in the moment. One of many takeaways that I will be certain to pass on to my five-year-old daughter when she gets a bit older is, “Don't ever say anything to yourself you wouldn't say to a friend”! It gives me a great sigh of relief to know that my daughter will be raised in a community where there are such strong women who live to promote healthy and active lifestyles. Happy birthday to KC Express and a big thanks to

Screen Shot 2012-03-02 at 1.54.50 PMIMG_9101Attendees had a chance to purchase Sarah and Dimity’s second book, “Train Like a Mother,” through KC bookseller Rainy Day Books. As they autographed copies, Sarah said this was actually the first time she and Dimity had held the final book in their hands. I now have a bit of a bedside dilemma as my “must-reads” stack up, but I truly can’t wait to dig a little deeper into this one. It looks to offer a healthy balance of training plans, mother-runnerly advice and a sprinkling of just for funs, like Dimity and Sarah’s “aid stations we’d like to see” sidebar. Two of my favs:

A station where, for a $50 donation to Girls on the Run, you could buy yourself splits that are a minute faster.

A station that’s the human equivalent of a car wash: You would pass through it on a conveyor belt as sweat, dried salt stains, pit odor, etc. were cleaned off your body, hair and outfit.

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