Lucy’s Logbook: ADS-B outside of the U.S.


Like many, your aircraft may not quite meet the maximum take-off weight or cruise speeds as suggested in the ADS-B mandate. However, to address frequency congestion in European airspace it’s necessary your aircraft meet the 8.33 kHz spacing requirement by 2018. Depending on your needs, along with our GTN series, our GTR 225 COM and GNC 255 NAV/COM both meet this spacing mandate. By simply inputting an airport identifier, both the GTR and GNC will populate all of the frequencies available for that airport. Even further, with an updateable database you can be sure that you are flying with the most up-to-date frequency information, ultimately reducing pilot workload.

Whether you need to achieve ADS-B ‘Out’ compliancy or need to meet the 8.33 kHz spacing requirement, Garmin has you covered!

The post Lucy’s Logbook: ADS-B outside of the U.S. appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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