Jenna prepares for next race in China


I am now focusing all of my energy on my next race, which will be in China at the end of September. Upon arrival home, I eased back into training and took last week very easy. My Edge 705 has been a good guide for me, helping me keep everything nice and easy for the last week, and now my Edge, along with my Forerunner 405, will help me monitor my training to guarantee I hit my kilometer per week goals for bike and run. I have learned that I need to meet certain mileage goals, especially on the run, in the weeks leading into a race if I want to have a fast run. Here is the link to a ride from last week.

The other big news is that I recently made the very difficult decision to part ways with my current coach. So, starting this week, I am back to full volume and intensity and am training myself, with some general guidance from my brother’s coach back in Boston. At the same time, I am hunting for a new coach and training group. I am excited about some of the opportunities and possibilities that are out there and hope to make a decision by the end of this week.

The post Jenna prepares for next race in China appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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