Garmin Garage: Take a Tour with Team Garmin


TeamGarminAs Team Garmin races around the globe, we thought it would be fun to create a new vehicle bundle for the 2009 race season. Of course, we couldn’t release these vehicles without approval from the team. So Team Garmin Director Matt White stopped by the Garmin Garage to take a look. While he was visiting with us, we quickly realized that Matt would make a great co-pilot for nüvis far and wide. A quick recording session was set up and through the magic of technology, Matt was nüvi-fied. So now you can download Matt’s voice to your nüvi and he can guide you wherever you need to go. Matt's personality really shines. And if you have half as much fun listening to Matt as we did recording him, you’re sure to have smiles for miles (or kilometers). Pedal over to the Garmin Garage today and show your support for the Argyle Armada with our Team Garmin bundle. It’s free and it’s a lot of fun. But hurry – Matt’s waiting!  

The post Garmin Garage: Take a Tour with Team Garmin appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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