Caution, Terrain, Pull Up!


I’m sure that many customers are aware of the Service Bulletins referring to the Forward Looking Terrain.  If not, check with your local Garmin Aviation Dealer to see if it applies to you.  Because of these bulletins, the terrain database (08t2) is free to download until December 31, 2008, for GNS 400W/500W series products and non-SVT G1000’s.  One word of caution, if you have a G1000 you may not need, or want, to download this terrain database.  The reason, if you have Synthetic Vision Technology (SVT) or a supplemental database card that has the part number 010-00330-43, you have an enhanced terrain that is not compatible with the free terrain database (08t2).  I have talked to a few customers who were enticed by the word FREE and downloaded this database. They then discovered that when they got back to their aircraft, the terrain was no longer working.  Don’t worry!  If you have SVT or the -43 data card, you already have newer terrain information that satisfies the requirements of the Service Bulletins. 

I mention SVT a lot in this post. If you’re still getting up to speed on SVT and want to learn more, check out this article in Avionics News.

The post Caution, Terrain, Pull Up! appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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