100,000 Steps in One Day


100,000 Steps in One Day

100,000 steps in a day? It doesn’t seem possible. For many of us, 10,000 in a day can be a struggle. We’d like to introduce you to Stuart “Quadrathon” who has hit over 100,000 steps in a day!  

Stuart takes being #UpForMore to heart. He describes himself as always being a runner, but not necessarily always enjoying running itself. He spent his childhood playing sports and running out of necessity for conditioning. Eventually, he grew up and moved to New York and gradually gained 50 pounds. Then, he moved to California and vowed to change his life and get healthy. 

In 2006, Stuart made a commitment to run a marathon before turning the age of 40. In 2007, he did just that and decided to push himself even further and signed up for a 50k ultramarathon. While he initially was looking to lose weight, Stuart made running a lifestyle and continues to push himself every day.

“I firmly believe that people underestimate what they are capable of and that our brains get in the way of our body,” Stuart said. “With time, dedication and believing, it really is possible to run to the horizon.”

Stuart continues to extend his boundaries and he recently completed The Leona Divide 50 Mile Run. The course takes place in Southern California and accumulates nearly 8,000 feet of elevation gain. He trained for forty weeks, covered nearly 1,600 miles and accumulated over 60,000 feet of elevation gain. 

90,000 Steps

The race didn’t go quite as planned due to an open course with little shade and a high temperature of 97 degrees, but he finished in just over thirteen hours and made it before the cut off. Stuart ended up registering over 100,000 steps for the day on his vívofit. Click here to watch a video of it rolling over at 99,999 steps!

Want to learn more about the race? Visit Stuart’s blog to read his full race recap. Follow Garmin Fitness on social media and let us know how this story inspires you to be #UpForMore:

The post 100,000 Steps in One Day appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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