Victor’s Vectors: SVT now available for Cessnas in the field


2 screen display “Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?” “If there are, we all be dead.”  This line from the 1987 movie The Princess Bride comes to mind just about every time I see a picture of an earlier version G1000 compared to a G1000 with Synthetic Vision Technology (SVT).  Why?  Because what was hidden from view is now seen in bright crisp contrast.  The reason for my nostalgia is that towards the end of June, Cessna released a Service Bulletin announcing the availability for SVT upgrades on 172’s, 182’s, and 206’s in the field.  This much anticipated upgrade can now be completed by a Cessna Service Center near you.  The G1000 and SVT transform the cockpit. SVT accurately displays synthetic terrain, flight hazards, flight path marker and highway-in-the-sky on the PFD so that you'll have excellent airborne situational awareness even when flying in conditions of reduced visibility or darkness.

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