Victor’s Vectors: Loading approaches on the GTN


GNS 530 w- new weather3-03I love to see comments on the blog, and occasionally we even get a good question that we can spin into another post for others to learn from, as well.  Recently we received a question about the operational difference between the GNS 530W and the GTN 750 with regard to loading approaches. In the 530W, when you select an approach, the GPS has you choose a transition.  The transitions are a list of the first  fix of all approach transition routes, plus a list of any Initial Approach Fixes (IAFs) on those transition routes that a pilot may choose to start from instead.  “Vectors” is also an option as a transition, which basically tells the 530W that you are being vectored by Air Traffic Control (ATC) to the final approach segment of the approach.  All intermediate and initial fixes are removed and the final segment becomes active.  Garmin found that a large number of customers were choosing the Vectors option, so in the GTN 750 it is the default transition.  GTN750_HR_820.11To select a full approach with an IAF on the GTN you will touch the “Transition” field on the PROC – Approach page (depicted on page 6-11 in the Pilot’s Guide) and then touch the transition you would like to use for the approach from the list.  Doing this will load the full approach with the points that are part of that route.  It is often recommended to load the full approach in case ATC has you fly to an intermediate approach fix.  This is something I recommend as well.  Vectors can be activated later in the flight by going to the Procedures page and touching the button for “Activate Vectors To Final”.  If you would like to practice using the GTN, download the free trainer and the Pilot’s Guide from Garmin’s website.  Or download the GTN Trainer app for your iPad. Hopefully this answers the question and gives some insight to the operational differences, and keep those comments coming!

The post Victor’s Vectors: Loading approaches on the GTN appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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