Rockfish Shootout A Success, Paying Out Nearly $220,000









Img_0646For yet another year, the 10th Annual Mid-Atlantic Rockfish Shootout in Virgina Beach attracted anglers from up and down the East Coast with hopes of reeling in the 'big one'.  With 179 teams scrambling at a chance to take home part of a nearly $220,000 pot, anglers were hoping for the best wind and weather conditions.  While both cooperated, the fish did not.  In fact, they weren't biting for the first two days of the event.  Finally, nearing the deadline on the final day, the winning fish was hooked and reeled in, earning the Miss Susie II and captain Greg Buckner over $175,000.  The fish weighed in at 30.55 lbs.

Garmin was proud to help sponsor the event by providing our GPSMAP 78sc handheld units to help track the boats.  With almost no fish biting during the event, any boat that weighed a fish had to prove that they did not travel outside of tournament parameters and past the Three Mile Demarcation line. Our units allowed tournament officials to determine this, keeping the anglers honest.  
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The Rockfish Shootout began in 2004 and has become the biggest Rockfish tournament in the country.  To date, the Rockfish Shootout has given back thousands of pounds of rockfish to local foodbanks and dontated over $25,000 to the Children's Hospital of The King's Daugthers to help build a family room at the hospital.  We look forward to helping in next year's tournament and providing the equipment to help keep the tournament fair and fun for all.  Happy Fishing!

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