Pro Triathlete Lauren Goss: It Hurts So Good



If you want to be successful in an endurance
sport then you have to love pain. There is no secret to success– you have to
suffer day in and day out and you have to welcome it with a smile.

When you get to the professional level of any
sport, especially triathlon, everyone trains hard, everyone eats right, and
everyone wants to win. The defining characteristic that separates a champion
and a middle of the pack pro is their ability to embrace pain.

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When I first started racing triathlon in 2010 I
was very soft. I cringed at the thought of a cold and rainy race and I cringed
even more at the thought of a hot and humid race. If the conditions were
perfect then I was a happy girl and I had a good result. Likewise, if I felt
“good” during the race then it ended well and if I felt “bad” then mentally I
checked out right then and there.

GossAs I have matured in
sport, I have grown to thrive in less than ideal conditions. I have become
mentally tough as an athlete and I know how to suffer. I look at low temps and
heavy rain as another opportunity to gain an advantage over the other
competitors and to use it to my benefit. The same goes when pain starts creeping in during a race. We all know that if we are racing hard then it WILL
hurt. Going into races I know it is going to hurt very bad and there will be
moments of weakness when I want to drop the pace, settle for 2nd place, or even
quit. If you have mentally accepted that these thoughts will cross your mind
before the race starts then you are not surprised when the demons arrive. I
have key phrases that I repeat to myself so that I can get through and continue
racing hard. Just welcome the pain!


The post Pro Triathlete Lauren Goss: It Hurts So Good appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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