Peg’s Posts: We have a contest winner.


WyCo training run 12.30 004 Two weeks ago, as I was anxiously preparing to run my first marathon, our faithful blog readers sent their predictions for my finish time. Surprisingly, I beat ‘em all, finishing in 3:47:28. Not surprisingly, the closest prediction of 3:50 came from a Garmin coworker, Steve. Perhaps Steve had some insider information, considering we’ve done trail runs (this pic's from a training run we did last winter), bike rides, 5ks, relays and, most recently, a half marathon together. Had I slipped and told Steve that I was going to try for a Boston qualifying time? Or is he just good with numbers? Considering he’s a software engineer, probably the latter. Knowing he had an inside track, Steve graciously offered his Garmin prize winnings to the next closest bidder, which happened to be a blog reader from the KC area. Al predicted, in his words, an aggressive time of 3:52. I’ll be sending Al some Garmin gear soon and a thanks for playing along. Thanks to all the others who made predictions and sent good luck wishes my way. It was just what I needed to help carry me through the miles.

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