Peg’s Posts: Psycho WyCo 2012 race recap


IMG_6446_s_jpg DSC00309_s_jpgDaShaun: It was cold, but warmed up quickly after start. Friendly and fun event. The volunteers/staff are the best around. Next time I will do the 50k. [Read his full race recap]

David: Great trail run. My first.  Who knew there were so many hills and turns?  Legs still trying to recover. Would do it again.

Kurt: Felt pretty good yesterday except for that fuzzy-head I always seem to get after such a run. Sore feet were the worst pitfall during the race.

Bob: Another fun but hard race. Conditions were good but cold. Thanks to everyone wearing shorts to create the appearance of warm conditions.

DSC00097_s_jpg DSC00255_s_jpgDan: No snow, no ice. And you call this Psycho? I didn’t slip even once!

Sharon: What an awesome morning for a trail race! This was my first time on this course, and my first trail race in over 4 years (having babies will do that). My adrenaline was pumping, especially when a deer came flying across the trail around mile 2.

Rick: Run Toto Run was a blast! A frigid winter frozen blast. Knee & ankle joints made from titanium and Teflon are highly recommended for the frozen, pitted, rocky, trails.


ACT_0893_s_jpg ACT_0198_s_jpgPeg: While I much prefer to run the WyCo trails with a hard-pack layer of snow, but I was grateful to have a solid base for the brutal bridle trails. According to race director Ben Holmes, the conditions were the perfect set up for some fast finishes. And I’ve gotta call out the top female finisher who earned the spotlight in Ben’s race report. I saw this girl at the start, who looked about 16, and I was in awe she was sporting a 50k bib. From Ben’s report: Kaci Lickteig (25), of Omaha, Nebraska blew away the 50k female course record with an incredible finish time of 4:46:19! She is the only sub-five-hour female finisher (so far), in the eight-year history of this race. She had almost perfect loop splits: 1:34:00, 1:35:52, 1:36:27. To add to the scope of this accomplishment, this was Kaci’s first trail race, and her first ultra-distance event.

We had some stellar performances from the Garmin crew too, including Dan’s 8th place in the 10 mi with a time of 1:24:04 followed by Nathan in 9th place with a time of 1:24:23 and Lee’s 3rd place in the 20 mi with a time of 3:06:39. Pretty sure they’d chalk it up to having the right training tools on their side. And just the fact that we had two finishers in the 50k, true trail runners Kurt and Bill, is amazing. I had a chance to run with Kurt from about mile 8-10. While my Forerunner 610 confirmed I was on track to meet my 4:20 time goal, it was nice to get human endorsement from Kurt. Knowing I had banked some minutes in the first loop, I took time to properly refuel before starting round 2 (lesson learned from my near-bonking crankiness Jake had to endure last year). That dilly-dallying between loops could’ve been my wisest decision of the day, along with walking some of the uphills on the 2nd loop.

My biggest challenge of the race was actually gear-related. Water bottle spout froze up early on, so I just had to take my time and unscrew the lid to take a sip now and then. No biggie. Until about mile 16, when I had to come to terms with a real drinking problem. The ice was so solid in my bottle cap, it wouldn’t screw back on. I wasn’t about to waste electrolytes when I had another two miles to the next aid station, so I did what any trail runner might do. I don’t know if traipsing the trails with an “open container” is against park regulations, but I know it’s certainly not advised. As I neared the final aid station, a volunteer ran up and asked what I needed, then promptly topped off my bottle and knocked out enough of the ice to get me on my way.

As always, the volunteers for this race are second to none and the Trail Nerds once again put on a fantastic race. Thanks to SeeKCRun for all the photos. Check out the course details in Garmin Connect and we’ll see you out there next year!

The post Peg’s Posts: Psycho WyCo 2012 race recap appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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