Peg’s Posts: Magical Marathon


Sacred_steps_5k_2008It’s hard to not want to run a marathon when you hang out with folks like these. This pic was from a local 5k this fall. Just a few of my coworkers and training partners who took top honors in their age groups at this race. No surprise we’re all Forerunner devotees. First from the left is Marty, one of my Garmin teammates from the Hood to Coast relay who keeps us all in good humor and who accompanied me on part of my first 18-miler a couple months ago. Next up is Amy, another H2Cer and faithful training partner who has inspired me through her speed racer status and humored me on many a training run. Third from left is me, then my coworker Kaye and her son Kevin in red. Next Garmin runner is Adam, who ran the Marine Corps Marathon in October and qualified for Boston with a smoking time of 3:10:40. On the far right is Jim, husband to Kaye. Jake wasn’t in town for this race (seems he was working Vegas again for the Interbike show), but I have to give him credit for being a part of my inspiration to race more than a 5k or 10k. Jake accompanied me on my first half marathon, in October of 2007 and a wild 10-mile trail run, Psycho Wyco, a couple months later.

Kaye, Jim and Kevin also ran Marine Corps last fall, where Kaye placed 2nd in her age group and snagged a PR of 3:39. Jim’s PR is 2:47 at the Columbus Marathon. Kaye has also placed first in the Columbus Marathon, 2nd at Rock-n-Roll San Diego and 4th at Disney. This mega marathoning family has run about 40 marathons all total. And if sheer volume of miles weren’t enough, Kevin took on the challenge of running the Pike’s Peak Marathon last August. That’s right—13.1 miles straight up, 13.1 miles straight down. With a little ice and sleet mixed in for extra pain.

While our original Forerunner devices were my initial inspiration to take up running about 4 years ago, Kaye and her family have provided the personal training, coaching and inspiration to get me this far. We’ve shared injury reports, training plans, gear and running shoe advice, races, long runs, short runs and everything in between. Often running with different models of Forerunners or testing different versions of software, we often provide feedback to our engineers. Between Kaye, Jim and Kevin, I’m quite sure they have the highest per-household Forerunner ownership ever.

I’d say I’m in good company to run Disney with this threesome. They’re actually doing the Goofy Challenge, running the half marathon Saturday, then the full on Sunday. I’m content to just run the full on Sunday. Some of us are dealing with injuries and I’m working through a recent flare-up of tendonitis, but hoping adrenalin and excitement will get me through 26.2 miles.

What’s in this Magical Marathon for you? While I won’t give up my Mickey medal (already promised that to my 7-year-old), I can promise some Garmin goodies to whoever pegs Peg’s pace. Leave a comment and predict my finish time. While Jake was kind enough to provide some helper hints to his fans before he ran NYC, I’ll divulge nothing. The best I’ll do is a link to one of my last training runs, shown in Garmin Connect.

The post Peg’s Posts: Magical Marathon appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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