OpenCaching: A Look Back at a Summer of Fun!


Ge03oWoodstock is, in some ways, like a giant geocaching carnival. There were plenty of sights and sounds to take in, such as a barbershop quartet to kick-off the morning or a caching couple who got hitched on stage, right in front of the crowd. Our own Garmin tent was lucky enough to host one of the relics of geocaching, the 'Original Can of Beans.' This rusted metal can (known as the OCB within the caching community) is the last remaining item from the world's first geocache, originally placed in 2000. The OCB has traveled all over the world, and is one of the most popular trackable geocaching items.

I had quite a few highlights from this event. I attended some interesting educational sessions, such as "Placing Your First Cache" and "Geocaching and the Law." I saw a hot air balloon, the giant GeoWoodstock X wooden sign, and the vendor expo. And of course, I experienced lots of impromptu geocaching and coin trading. At the end of the day, I was completely exhausted, but I left Southeastern Indiana with a deeper appreciation of the uniqueness of the geocaching community.


For a look at a more recent event, and from the perspective of a seasoned cacher let's turn it over to our Community Coordinator Anthony, better known as StealthRT.20120727_124455

The Opencaching team was out in full force at Midwest
2012 in Wauseon, Ohio. Fun, Friends, and Fellowship is the
cornerstone of the event and there was plenty of all three. Approximately 2200
geocachers converged on the Fulton County Fairgrounds to experience this unique

The theme of the event was Halloween in July. Many
cachers fully embraced the theme and came completely decked out in elaborate
20120727_132532costumes. Campsites were decorated as well. Some were completely
transformed into mock cemeteries or witch’s lairs.

Not only was OpenCaching a platinum sponsor of the event,
but opencaching also supported the event with donations of various GPS units
that were given away at the event. Nearly 100 OpenCaching t-shirts and
100 OpenCaching hats were also given out during the multi-day event. The
OpenCache team addressed technical
PIC_0090concerns cachers had with their GPS units
and answered questions regarding the use of

If you missed Midwest Geobash 2012, you can still join in
on the fun in 2013. Next year’s event is already scheduled. You can
learn more about Midwest Geobash 2013 here.

The post OpenCaching: A Look Back at a Summer of Fun! appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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