Master Divers Swim To Raise Funds



Just over a month ago, on Sunday July 28th, the FINtastic trio comprised of Ayesha Cantrell, Gene Giradeau and Wilco Both, swam 22.5km around Koh Tao, Thailand in 7 hours 56 minutes!  Along with completing the massive feat of swimming around the island with their Foreurnner 910XT watches, we are also very  proud to announce that Master Divers have met and successfully smashed their Finathon 2013 goal! With the help of many people they raised over $5500 USD through weekly shark conservation talks, raffles and online donations, and nearly doubled their original goal of $3000 USD.

While Master Divers had been steadily raising funds over the past few months, their principal event was the swim around Koh Tao and Finathon Finish Line party. There was also an around-the-island snorkel boat that followed the swimmers, giving people the chance to snorkel, cheer the swimmers on and look for sharks at sites where they are known to frequent.

The swimmers were welcomed back to the island to celebrate at the Finathon Finish Line Party at Maya Bar on Sairee Beach, which featured a raffle auctioning off fabulous prizes that helped raise an amazing $2,260. This record breaking challenge placed Master Divers in first place at the top of the Finathon Team Leaderboard.

Donations will help to fight shark finning by insisting on full protections for critically endangered sharks and negotiating stronger policies to ensure a brighter future for all sharks.

The post Master Divers Swim To Raise Funds appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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