Lucy’s Top Ten Garmin Pilot Features of 2013


The holidays are a time for reflection of the past year and also a time to look forward with anticipation to the year ahead.  Garmin Pilot has had a big year on both our iOS and Android platforms. Looking back on 2013, we demonstrated our commitment to our customers by implementing a number of customer requests into Garmin Pilot. Just like our entire product line, we are dedicated to bring you innovative products that simplify your flying.  

So, without further ado…

10. Enhanced NOTAMs (iOS) Once a flight plan is entered into Garmin Pilot, NOTAM’s specific to your route of flight populate for easy access Decoded TAFs

9. ATC Preferred Routing (iOS and Android) Displays historical routes of other aircraft that have been cleared by air traffic control flying the same departure/destination pair

8. D2 Pilot Watch Integration (iOS and Android) Export flight plans from Garmin Pilot to D2, especially helpful for flight plans that have multiple waypoints

7. Map and Traffic Split Screen (Android) Don’t compromise your moving map page to view traffic, view them simultaneously!

6. Extended Runway Centerlines (iOS) Ensure you lineup short final for the correct runway, especially helpful at airports with confusing runway layouts  Extended Runway Centerline

5. Decoded TAFs (iOS and Android) Stumped over an abbreviation in the weather forecast? No problem! Garmin Pilot helps you decipher confusing weather.

4. Multi-layer Map Support (iOS and Android) Pilots can select multiple overlays (radar, lightning, winds aloft) to display on the moving map simultaneously

3. Dynamic/Data Driven Maps (iOS) Pilots can now choose between track up or north up orientation. While in track up, maps dynamically adjust to the pilot’s direction of flight, ensuring maps and labels are always upright.

2. Obstacles and Terrain (iOS) Intuitive colors help pilots discern their proximity to terrain and/or obstacles nearby

1. Audible Terrain and Obstacle Alerts (iOS) In addition to the color-coded display, pilots receive audible alerts if the potential for impact of either terrain or obstacles is present, further enhancing situational awareness.

These are just a few of many reasons why Garmin Pilot is a valuable tool among your bag of many tools, in the cockpit.

A number of features were added in 2013, which leads one to wonder, what do we have in store for 2014?  Well, in January we are planning to be the first to integrate….

Oh, you thought I was going to give it away? Sorry! Guess you’ll have to wait and see in 2014. But I promise, Garmin Pilot customers will absolutely love the future integration and features we have planned in the months ahead! 

Split Screen Terrain

The post Lucy’s Top Ten Garmin Pilot Features of 2013 appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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