Lucy’s Logbook: Get advanced ADS-B features with GDL 88, GTN 3.0 – Now Available!

GTN 750 GDL 88 SURF Technology

When the GDL 88 is interfaced to a GTN 650/750 with Version 3.0 software, the GTN has the ability to display two modes which enhance situational awareness, AIRB (Airborne Situational Awareness) and SURF (Surface Situation Awareness). AIRB is an ADS-B “In” application that allows for the display of ADS-B and external traffic system targets which can be used by the pilot for added situational awareness. AIRB is active during the enroute phase of flight, outside of five NM and when operating 1,500 feet above the nearest airport. Adding to situational awareness, SURF works within the terminal environment when within five NM and less than 1,500 feet above field

GTN750 GDL 88 TargetTrend Relative Motion

elevation. While SURF is active and the zoom scale is less than two NM, traffic is displayed on the airport environment, (including runways and taxiways) allowing pilots to see potential runway incursions before they occur. 

The GTN also supports an advanced ADS-B traffic awareness feature called TargetTrend™ relative motion technology, which helps the pilot visualize the trend of the traffic threats as it relates to their aircraft.

GTN750 GDL 88 ADS-B FIS-B Weather
ADS-B Weather

Not only is the ability to spot traffic threats possible with the GDL 88 but also the option to display subscription-free weather is available! ADS-B “In” technology allows the GTN to display FIS-B weather products such as, NEXRAD radar, METARs, TAFs, SIGMET/AIRMETs, NOTAMs, TFRs and more, fulfilling your enroute weather needs.

Per FAR 91.225 the majority of aircraft operating within the United States will need to comply and be equipped with ADS-B “Out” functionality by 2020, which will ultimately enhance safety. Utilizing the GDL 88, coupled with the GTN will certainly improve safety, situational awareness, and your overall flying experience! 


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