Lucy’s Logbook: aera 796 gets Bluetooth capability and other bonus features!


Aera 79XAnother feature added with v3.10 is the ability to graphically edit any flight plan on the Sectional and IFR Low/High Enroute charts. To utilize this in flight, ensure that an active flight plan is loaded on the 795/796. From the Sectional or Low/High enroute chart, select the dedicated Menu button and touch Edit Flight Plan. From either of these charts, select any airport, navigational aid, or intersection and the option to verify that point will be available. To confirm the selection, touch Save to graphically modify the flight plan.

Some additional updates to the 795/796 include the ability to view our new TargetTrend technology on the traffic page. TargetTrend provides relative motion tracking that provides a better, more intuitive method of judging aircraft movement and closure rates relative to your aircraft’s position. Furthermore, the Map Setup page also offers the ability to edit the zoom level at which the target symbol and labeling display on the moving map page.

Whether or not you have an aera 795/796, it is always good practice to ensure the operating software is up to date in any of our portables so you do not miss out on any of the latest features your GPS may provide! As always, you may update the operating software on any of our GPS units by connecting it to the computer and downloading our free WebUpdater program.

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