Lost and found Edge 705 amazes owner after year in hiding


Edge705rf-high We always love a happy ending, and this email that arrived today is a perfect example. What started off as frustration turned into exhilaration for Robert from the MS 150 Bay to Bay Team 24 Hour Fitness.

A year ago my darling girlfriend misplaced her Garmin Edge 705. I was mad but I got over it and bought her another GPS. A year later in a mad frenzy to find my misplaced wallet this morning guess what I found? Sitting behind the externally mounted spare tire on my '04 Honda CR-V I see something back there, I fish around with a long screwdrivers and out pops the girlfriend's lost Edge 705. I take it in the house and plug it in to the computer and lo and behold it fires right up. I look in the directory structure to see the last time it was used. The newest date in there is 10/18/2009. It has been sitting back there for over a year! It has gone through rain, hail, heat, countless car washes, I even got rear ended a few weeks ago and it didn't fall out.

The fact that it fired up when I plugged it in is amazing! I will never be afraid of getting my Garmin wet in the rain again! This device stayed outside in the elements (Car is not garaged) and survived! We will find out tonight if everything is okay in the internals as the battery needs to be charged but seeing as it opened as a device on my computer I really don't think this is going to be a problem. You have earned a lifetime customer in regards to durability of this product!

The post Lost and found Edge 705 amazes owner after year in hiding appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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