Jenna takes 2nd in Escape from Alcatraz


AlcatrazRun10 (2)
AlcatrazFinish10 (2) Garmin-sponsored triathlete Jenna Shoemaker shares her training and racing experiences with the new Edge 500 bike computer and Garmin Connect.

On Sunday, May 2, I dove off a boat into the middle of the San Francisco Bay and tackled the 30th Anniversary edition of the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon. It is my absolute favorite event and I had big hopes of finding myself on the podium there. I had a great swim and came out of the water with two other women at the front of the race. We rode close together along the beautiful and very hilly bike course and I used my Edge 500 to evaluate how far along we were on the course so I could hydrate and prepare for the run properly. See my bike data in Garmin Connect. At transition 2, nothing had changed, there were still 3 women together. I had a very quick transition and lead the way out on to the run. About 1 mile in, I was passed, but keeping the leader in my sights, I slowly started to pull her back with 2 miles to go. In the end, I finished 2nd, edged out by just 13 seconds! Even though I didn't win overall, I had the fastest bike split as well as both the fastest 2nd transition and the fastest female ascent up the grueling 400-step sand stair ladder!

Since that time, I have made a quick stop to Boulder to pack up some of my belongings and to see my doctor, and have returned home to Santa Monica where I started back into training. However, I think my body was a bit tired because I came down with a bit of a migraine after my short easy morning run on Friday. I took the weekend very easy and now, a new week ahead of me, I am looking forward to the Madrid World Championship Series event on June 5th. With a new coach (or two) in tow, I am excited to see what the rest of the season will bring!

The post Jenna takes 2nd in Escape from Alcatraz appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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