Jake’s Journal: New Winter Training video – Skis the Limit


111011_GEN_1006No, that's not a typo, this video is all about the speed and sweat involved in cross-country skiing. I'll be the first to say that I'm a warm-weather guy, preferring sand to snow, but this mild midwestern winter has even been a bit odd for me. Aside from Psycho Wyco a couple weekends ago, it's been downright balmy! But this video actually made me excited about these above-average temps dropping below freezing (after I finish today's lunch ride, of course). The first time I tried cross-country skiing, I wasn't smooth and I didn't glide. Honestly, I was thrilled to stay on my feet (though there was that one time that I flopped…going UPhill). But after watching all of our Winter Training videos and this motivational clip of an amazing athlete using a Forerunner 910XT to chase down his virtual partner, I'm inspired – to ride harder today over lunch, to run faster in my next half, to give cross-country skiing another try. If nothing else, racing myself should leave plenty of room for improvement.

What's your favorite activity for Winter Training? Tell us on Twitter at @Garmin or leave a comment on our Facebook page. Best of luck, and have some fun – whatever the weather!

Winter Training – The Dawn from Garmin EMEA on Vimeo.

The post Jake’s Journal: New Winter Training video – Skis the Limit appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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