Jake’s Geocache: And the winners are…


Tappa154 Oregoncoin

Well loyal blog readers – we’ve read the comments, had a lot of laughs, and finally made a decision or two about divvying up our rewards. For those of you tuned in to the Great 2008 Tupperware® Scandal, you know that Scooter offered up Jake’s casserole keeper and a geocoin while Jake was pedaling from booth to booth at Interbike. Jake, realizing he’d either have to pony up for a new pasta porter or risk life and limb when he returned home sans Tupperware® quickly replied with an offer of his own. And that’s when things started to get interesting. Fortunately, our good friends over at Groundspeak – who happen to know a thing or two about geocaching – came to Jake’s rescue with a more-than-generous offer of cache containers for a few lucky commenters. So instead of shipping out leftover lunchware to one person, we’ve got three purpose-built cache keepers that we’ll be sending out. And we’re still making good on our promise of geocoins, too. So without further adieu, here’s our list of lucky commenters:

ScooterInterbike Joshua Abel is Scooter’s choice, winning a cache container and a Colorado/Wherigo geocoin. John J. Grace is Jake’s pick, earning him three Oregon/Wherigo geocoins. Our honorable mention nods go to Occam (cache container and Colorado coin), J.R. (cache container and Oregon coin) and Jonathan (Oregon coin and Colorado coin). We’ll be contacting the winners via email – so be on the lookout.

Thanks to each and every one of you who left a comment and helped keep us entertained during the week. And for all of you who expressed a direct interest in Jake’s Tupperware® – stay tuned. Because while the Tupperware® is still in the office . . . it’s not in Jake’s possession.

The post Jake’s Geocache: And the winners are… appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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