Iron Cowboy completes 18th consecutive day



As many of you know, the man nicknamed “Iron Cowboy” is fighting to continue his goal of completing 50 full Ironman distances in 50 states, in 50 consecutive days. As of right now James Lawrence, is in Mississippi and working towards completing his 19th day in his quest to set a new world record.

Last week, we were fortunate enough to be able to catch up with him in Kansas as he completed his tenth event.  While we try and put into words his insane feats, it’s easier to just watch it. Check out the Iron Cowboy in action!


Every single day, James physically and mentally exerts himself and pushes his body to new limits. To put it in perspective, after yesterday’s ironman, here is the mileage he’s put on his body since starting on June 6th.

  • 43 miles of swimming. That’s like swimming from the coast of Florida and almost reaching the Bahamas.
  • 2,016 miles on his bike. He could have pedaled from Los Angeles to Chicago.
  • 471 miles of running. That’s equivalent to taking 1,884 laps around a standard track.

James has 31 more to go and we will be cheering him on every single mile along the way. If you want to track the Iron Cowboy along the rest of his journey, check him out here.


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The post Iron Cowboy completes 18th consecutive day appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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