Injured Dog Found After 19 Days– Now Wears GTU 10 Tracker


We absolutely love hearing stories from our users, and the one below from Kathleen and her Border Collie was so special we had to share it!

IMG_4094I would just like to say that we love our Garmin GPS.  We purchased it from an AT&T store a few months after our dog was hit by a car. He was just over a year old and ran away one night during a severe thunderstorm. He was hit by a car and was missing for 19 days. A fisherman found him by a creek under the highway approximately 5 miles from our house. One of his back legs was broken in two and the other back leg was completely smashed. The accident happened the first night he was missing. He somehow made it to the creek and laid there until the day the fisherman found him. He was almost gone due to starvation. He would have died earlier if he would have not been next to the creek. We took him directly to the veterinarian, but there was really nothing he could do to fix his legs. They had already started to heal. So we took him home, fed him and nursed him back to health. Each
IMG_4602 day he could walk just a little bit farther and because he loved swimming so much we would take him to the pond for exercise every day. His front legs grew stronger and stronger while his back legs healed. Just 6 months later he was running and jumping again. Our veterinarian could not believe how well he was doing. Now it is a year later and the only sign of his injury is one of his back legs is shorter than the other because the clean break healed at a 45 degree angle. About a month after we found him, we discovered the Garmin GTU 10 Tracker online. My husband read all the information he could online about it. We decided that from that point on we would make sure if he ever got away from us again, we wanted to be able to find him within minutes. He has worn the GTU 10 on his collar ever since. He does not wander very far from us now but the GPS is just an extra precaution so
IMG_6233that he is never lost again. He is a medium size Border Collie and the unit fits well on his collar. So many people ask us about it. We tell everyone about his GPS and how well it works. We love the text messages on our phones when he passes the imaginary fence we put around our house, the office and other locations that we visit regularly. He goes with us everywhere without a leash but we never worry about losing him. He has a lot of freedom and appears to be very happy. I just wanted you to know how much we love your product.


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