Give-a-Garmin, everybody’s doing it


The big day is exactly one week away. Is your shopping done? If not, we recommend that you take a cue from those who are ahead of the game and already have their presents wrapped and under the tree. Recent reports show that "of the top 20 most sought after consumer electronics products online
this holiday season, 20 percent are Garmin GPS navigation systems."  The nüvi 255W, 265WT, 765T and 755T top the researcher's list, but there are plenty of other Garmin devices to choose from if one of these don't suit your fancy. If you need help in choosing a product, check out our online gift guide where you'll be inspired by the stars of our TV commercial — a Nutcracker, Golfer, Leprechaun, and Yeti.

If you already have a nüvi, don't forget to winterize it with free, downloadable voices and vehicles. Let Elfred the Elf and Billy the Blue-Nosed Reindeer navigate you over the river and through the woods, and you'll be sure to get to Grandmother's house in style.


The post Give-a-Garmin, everybody’s doing it appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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