Getting Your Kids Outside and More Active This Summer



Summer is in reach and it’s time to get outside for some outdoor fun. Are you struggling to get your kids out of the house and away from the world of video games? Well we’ve come up with a few fun and easy ideas to help your kids move towards a more active lifestyle this summer. 


Bring those video games to life with Geocaching this summer. Geocaching is a recreational activity in which a person hides or buries something for others to try to find using a Garmin GPS device. The activity is usually thought of as a kind of GPS treasure hunt and it’s perfect for kids. Typically, a geocache holds of a small container with a logbook and small items where one takes something but also leaves something behind. With over 4 million caches around the world, geocaching is an all around outdoor hobby that can bring together families with camping, hiking, and of course finding “treasure” along the way.

If you’re thinking of going geocaching, you should definitely make a weekend out of it and go camping as well. Camping has always been a great family pastime. Packing the car up and heading out for the weekend to go camping is a great way to get your kids more interested in outdoor activities. There’s nothing quite like the experience of building a fire, sleeping in a tent, and being surrounded by nature and all it’s glory. There are many other activities that go along with camping too, like fishing, hiking, swimming and riding bikes. Camping is the perfect way to immerse your children into the beauty of the outdoors and memories that will last forever.


Hiking can also be an exciting way to get your kids outside more often. Most cities and towns usually have designated areas with trails where you can walk, ride bikes, take photos, and fully embrace nature. Puddle stomping the trails and breathing a little fresh air along the way is the ultimate solution to battling the addictions of TV and video games.

We understand the challenges that come with the notion of getting your kids away from the TV and outside to play and we hope these thoughts have sparked some inspiration for you and your family this summer. Remember to share your outdoor stories and photos with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram by using hashtag #HaveNoLimits.


The post Getting Your Kids Outside and More Active This Summer appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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