Garmin Pilot Update for Android Adds Track-Up, SafeTaxi and More!



The weather is warming up and the sound of airplanes buzzing around seems to be filling the sky lately. If you’re like me and you plan to fly this weekend because the weather is (finally) cooperating, check out the latest Garmin Pilot update for Android before you takeoff! This update encompasses a number of features, which aid in situational awareness during every phase of flight, so you won’t want to miss it! 

Taxi Screen Shot 2014-04-18 at 6.13.54 AM

Prior to take-off and after landing, SafeTaxi diagrams are now available on the moving map page, which conveniently geo-reference your aircraft’s position on the airport diagram. Airport surface ‘hot spots’ are also easily identified with red notations on the diagram.


New configurable maps allow pilots to customize the moving map display. Map color, visibility range, label sizes for airports and NAVAIDs may be tailored to each flight so important information pertaining to that flight is displayed. For example, if you’re flying in congested airspace and prefer to not see every ‘Class E’ airspace ring, simply change the ‘Airspace Visibility Range’ to 10 nautical miles so they won’t populate unless you’re at a zoom level of 10 NM or less. 


New to version 3.0 of Garmin Pilot for Android, pilots have the option to select track-up orientation on static sectionals and enroute charts. Track-up orientation conveniently displays information upright and in the direction of flight, so airspace, important frequency information and other text is easy to read. Faster map rendering and tighter zoom capabilities on the moving map page, allows pilots to easily view the smallest of text and ensures nothing is overlooked in-flight.

Approach Screen Shot 2014-04-19 at 7.38.03 AM

During the approach phase of flight, use the new distance measuring tool or range rings to aid in determining distance from the first ring of controlled airspace. Perhaps it’s nighttime and the moving map display is too bright? No problem! The option to display the moving map in ‘Night Mode’ is available so it’s easier to read during night flights.


Identifying the final approach segment of a runway is easier with Garmin Pilot’s new extended runway centerlines. Sometimes lining up for the correct runway can be a challenge at some airports, but utilizing the extended runway centerline feature helps pilots identify the correct runway with ease. The extended centerlines are conveniently labeled with the corresponding runway number, as well. This feature makes flying base-to-final segments of the landing phase of flight easy and offers an additional layer of assurance.

Before you go flying this weekend, make sure to download the latest version of Garmin Pilot and try out the new features which will enhance your flying throughout every phase of flight!

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