Garmin Pilot Update 2.6 for Android is Here!


011410_AVI_2008Using your Android tablet to fly up to the EAA Oshkosh airshow next week? Garmin Pilot has an update for you!

In Garmin Pilot version 2.6, our commitment to our Android customers continues by offering preferred routing! In line with the latest update for iOS, Android customers also have the option to select preferred routes within a flight plan. Once a flight plan is entered in Garmin Pilot, these routes are automatically populated and may be listed by altitude, aircraft type, date, or most commonly filed. These preferred routes give pilots a variety of options and considerations during the flight planning process. To access preferred routes, simply enter a flight plan into Garmin Pilot and select, ‘Home’ > ‘File & Brief’ > ‘Routes’

 Want to overlay multiple weather products on your Android tablet or phone, at the same time? Not a problem! Multi-layer map support is now available!  From the map page, select the multi-layer map icon in the corner of the screen and select the weather products you wish to display. With the ability to view more than one weather product at a time, pilots gain a better understanding of the “bigger picture” as it relates to the weather around them, ultimately enhancing situational awareness. Check out the radar screenshot from our Android tablet where we overlaid lightning and radar simultaneously! 

 Garmin is excited to extend more features to our Android customers in time to kick off the busiest flying days of the year! Not a Garmin Pilot subscriber? Try out the 30-day free trial by visiting the Google Play store before your flight! Be sure to visit Garmin at the show and we’ll be more than happy to demonstrate a few features for you and answer any questions! 

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Android 2

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