Fly Kansas Air Tour Highlights Aviation Careers



For the last several decades, there has been a slow and steady decline in the number of active pilots in the United States. Taking a quick peek at the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) statistics supports this. In 1980, the aviation industry topped out at 827,071 Active FAA Certificated Pilots. Fast-forward to 2013 and that figure has dropped to 599,086 – roughly a 28% decline in three decades. Alternatively, in April of this year the International Air Transport Association (IATA) reported that the demand for air travel is strong and is predicted to increase in the coming years.   

In an industry where the demands for air travel continues to rise (and is predicted to increase even further) and the number of certificated pilots is on the decline, the demand to develop and encourage educational and vocational programs that promote involvement in the aviation industry is essential. The 2nd Annual Kansas Aviation Expo is doing just that this week, featuring a Fly Kansas Air Tour and Flying Classroom packed full of events and guest speakers. Over 400 Wichita area high school students will be participating in STEM Career Day on Thursday, September 25th, which showcases careers in the following fields: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Garmin, along with a number of other partners are proud to sponsor this event to educate, share, explore and inspire young people to get involved in aviation.

Introducing aviation to anyone (young or old) can begin by taking him or her to a local airshow, demonstrating how pilots navigate the skies using GPS (hopefully a Garmin!) or attending an educational event such as the Kansas Aviation Expo. It’s never too early or too late to spark an interest in aviation and it’s certainly important we spread our enthusiasm and passion on to the younger generation.

The future of the aviation industry and air travel just may depend on it!


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