Family’s fitness transformed by Forerunner


During my second track season, my mom and I began taking walks around our neighborhood. She would always ask me to bring my Garmin to measure how far and how fast we walked. The next Christmas, she asked for her own Garmin, to which I replied, “Mom, you never use the gadgets Dad and I get for you!” But I was wrong.

Her Garmin provided the motivation for her to begin running. Since receiving her Garmin, she has lost about 50 pounds and is significantly happier. If you talk to her about her self-image from before her Garmin, she’ll tell you how she hated shopping, avoided the scale, and felt miserable. Now she enjoys shopping, is fitter, and is much, much happier. She preached the wonders of exercise to the extent that my dad decided to buy himself a Garmin. His Garmin product motivated him to take up biking. He routinely rides over 50 miles a week and has lost a significant amount of weight.

Their progress is the reason for this letter. Your company and your products have changed my parents’ lives for the better. I feel I can go to college without worrying about their health or happiness. The change in their self-images is obvious, and I am certain their Garmin-motivated exercise programs have added years onto their lives. Now instead of my parents watching form the sidelines, they participate in the races with me. Recently, my mom and I ran a local 5k, where she finished second in her age group, and my dad and I participated in a 50 mile bike tour — two events I would never have thought possible.

So thank you again for doing what I considered the impossible and giving me peace of mind as I leave for school.


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