Discover the Newest Trend in Geocaching: Night Caches


Firetacks IMG_7941[7]To try your hand at night caching, you’ll first need a GPS device – it will not only point the way to the trailhead, but can help you find your way back to your vehicle when you’re done. You’ll also need a high-powered flashlight to help spot the firetacks. We also recommend bringing a phone and a first aid kit since nighttime conditions can prove a challenge to navigate by even the most seasoned hikers.

Night caches are still few and far between right now, but are quickly picking up in popularity. Check with your local geocaching club for help finding one in your area, or if you want to learn how to place one on your own.

The post Discover the Newest Trend in Geocaching: Night Caches appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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