Ben continues Colorado training; Jenna tries to rest & recover for London Triathlon


The real highlight of the ride, however, was something that can’t be recorded on a device. It was when Sarah Haskins, in one of her final workouts before she heads to Beijing to represent the United States, attacked the group at the bottom of a hill and managed one by one to drop every last one of us. That “us” includes half a dozen pro triathlete men, a Cat 1 cyclist, and a couple guys that ride for the Air Force Academy. I have a few excuses lined up to make myself feel better about being dropped, but I’ll spare you and just say this: if Sarah rides like that in Beijing, she’ll be hurting a lot of women. See our ride in Garmin Connect.

As far as training goes, it has not been a very eventful week for me. After the race in Poland, I was completely exhausted. Upon arrival in Sigmaringen, Germany, I was struggling to make it through basic workouts. So, as per mandatory coach’s orders, I took two days off, no triathlon, to try to recover before diving straight back into my training.

I suppose I did not take enough time to recover and never really came out of my slump. For the last few days, I attempted to train easy, but my heart rate seemed to sky-rocket no matter what I did. This is a time when I really wish I had packed my Garmin heart rate monitor. I rarely train with a heart rate device simply because none of the training we do is really in “zones” so I didn’t think to bring it. But when I’m feeling a bit under the weather, it is nice to put on my monitor to just take note of how my heart rate is reacting (mind you, the Garmin device is the only one I will wear, as it doesn’t cause blisters on my stomach). However, no monitor at my disposal, I must have trained too hard, and the unheeded “slow down” warnings have now turned into a sneezy, runny nose, quite miserable summer cold.

With the London Triathlon on Sunday, I’m running out of time. I’ve done the best that I can to rest, recover and to try to stay active, but I don’t know where I will be when I walk to the start line. Perhaps the rest will be a blessing in disguise and I will come out with a new zest on race morning. All I can do for now is drink as much water as possible and try to think positively. Recovery is an often overlooked component of training, especially in triathlon. It is in many ways the fourth element of our sport. We are constantly going and constantly exhausting every facet of our body but, as I am learning firsthand, if you don’t take adequate time to recover, especially after a very stressful 3 races in a row schedule, you can end up going backwards. I am still quite optimistic though, as many times your best races come right off illness. Even if that isn’t the case, I am fit and completely prepared and ready to have another awesome race. Not to mention the fact that I am beyond excited for the opportunity to race in London!

Stay tuned next week for a recap of the London Triathlon, along with my race data in Garmin Connect.

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