10th Annual “Psycho WyCo” Run



On February 8, Garmin had more than 35 associates brave the freezing temperature, ice and snow for the 10th annual “Psycho WyCo” Run Toto Run Trail Run. Many thanks to the wonderful volunteers, and the Trail Nerds for putting together a great event – the post-race chili was delicious, and a perfect way to warm up!

Here are some Garmin runner recaps of the Psycho WyCo 50k, 20-mile and 10-mile courses:

Mike: “I ran two loops for 20 miles this year, last year (my first trail run) I ran one loop. The temperature was fine (low to mid 20’s), I’d have preferred about 20 degrees warmer, but at least there was no wind. The snow was the most challenging part of the run this year. The 12 inches on the ground was just too cold to pack down, so it was like running in slippery sand all morning. Thanks to the screws in the bottom of my shoes, I didn’t have any falls, although I came close many times.

The best parts of this run were many. The hand warmers that I kept between my gloves and mittens were the best 73 cents I’ve spent, they kept my fingers from going numb all morning long. The post race veggie chili was delicious (I’d ask for the recipe, but I don’t need enough to feed an army). The folks along the trail that I gabbed with were all fun to talk to, and didn’t seem to mind my blathering on. The race is very well organized, and the volunteers are so helpful. I think the volunteers had the toughest job of staying warm while standing still (well, not still, but not running).

My socks were soaked and my toes were getting numb by the time I got back to my car. I hope to run three loops next year, whether or not I make it may depend as much on the weather conditions as my conditioning.”



Brian: “I ran the 10-mile and this was my first attempt at a trail run. It was probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever done, but it was fun. Definitely going to do it again next year!”

Gene: “This was my second trail race and first 10-miler. Between the hills and snow, it was a great challenge but I accomplished my only goal, which was to finish. I am looking forward to more trail runs.”

Ben: “I ran the 10-mile distance. It was a lot slower than last year, but still a beautiful race and a lot of fun.”


Andy: “I started running last summer after losing 60 pounds. My first running race ever was the KC Marathon then I did the Pilgrim Pacer. So this is my third running race. I decided to do the 50k race because I am a little crazy. I got in the training miles but did not do any trail running. So the week before the race it iced then a few days before it snowed a foot – this added another first for me. So it was my first 50k, trail run, and snow run. As I talked with others about the snow, their hopes became mine: that the snow would pack down after the first loop. Come to find out this would not be the case.

The forecast the day of the race was it was going to be a cold day that never warmed up. The hope for some sun was dashed and it was overcast all day. I decided to add a couple of layers and got to the race early to relax before the start. Standing around talking to people before the race, everyone was worried about the snow effecting new PRs. The race starts and by mile two I decided that all time goals are out the window.  I am just going to complete.

The snow was like mashed potatoes. Every two steps forward took the energy of three or four steps. I fell eight times on the day with two being pretty major. The aid stations were great and everyone was very helpful! About two miles from the finish someone was starting to come up behind me. I dug deep and picked up the pace. I ended up holding off the pass and finished before him. So by the hardest I made it through the 50k. Out of 144 that started 69 completed the 50k, I got 49th place.

I am happy that I finished and have the battle wounds to prove it. The worst of which was frostbite! I got some pretty bad stuff on the exposed skin between my socks and tights then some more on my toes.  It was just a nasty day.  I enjoyed the race and have plenty of stories to tell.  I am now ready to get back out and run some more.  The Garmin marathon is my next race.”

Greg: “Seven miles in, using both my hands and feet to ascend the slick and wintry trail, legs on fire, operating on a major caloric deficit, I found inspiration in proving wrong England’s national poet and playwright, William Shakespeare himself, who once wrote of this chilly season, ‘Winter tames man, woman and beast.’ Each one of us who finished the race proved, quite resoundingly, that the Bard’s pen is not mightier than the will to achieve. But brains…he’s probably got us on that one!”


Chris: “It was the toughest race I’ve participated in because of the soft/slushy snow.  Halfway through the 1st loop, part of me wished I signed up for the 10-mile race. I completed the 20-miler and the recovery process may be a little longer than I had originally expected.”

See all the details of Chris’ run from his Forerunner 620 on Garmin Connect below!

The post 10th Annual “Psycho WyCo” Run appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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