• Operation Wallacea Utilizes inReach for Research Expedition in Fiji

    David and Cheryl Byng originally bought inReach® satellite communication devices simply because their lifestyle called for it. Hiking through the backcountry on long wilderness trips, trotting around the world and traveling by motorcycle to remote locations were just some of their typical activities. “We were going places where there was limited capability for medical response,” [...] The post Operation Wallacea Utilizes inReach for Research...
  • Australian Woman Attempts Epic Trek From Argentina to Alaska

    Lucy Barnard can’t really explain why, one day, she decided to take five years to trek all the way from Argentina to Alaska. She just wanted to. Barnard, who grew up in Brisbane, Australia, officially began the journey in February 2017 and, as of summer 2019, is making her way through the mountains of Peru. [...] The post Australian Woman Attempts Epic Trek From...
  • Travel Tips for Families Planning a Worldwide Adventure

    It’s not every day you get to travel the world with your family in tow. But for Michael and Chelsy Gilroy of Maine, it was — for five months. Having worked in the international travel industry for many years, they had long dreamed of taking a big trip with their daughters, ages 11 and 13. [...] The post Travel Tips for Families Planning a...
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